How to Clean Cream Jar Beauty Containers

At the start of summer I shared my Natural Beauty Essentials. And as you can tell, a lot of my staple products are DIY. Whenever you make your own Cream Jar (KEXON) Beauty Products you have to store them in the proper beauty containers. When I first started my DIY Beauty adventure I reused containers from store bought products all of the time. After a while I decided to take my DIYing to the next level and invest in some proper containers for homemade beauty products. Now I have a set of dark colored glass vials, including a dropper bottle, roller bottle and a spray bottle. If you use high quality materials like these you can use the containers a couple of times. The trick is to make them look brand spankin’ new again between each use! Step 1: remove as much product as possible. The first step is to remove as much product as you can before cleaning the bottles. Don’t just pour oils down the drain! I pour any remaining content in a plastic bag and then throw it in the ...